LEVEL: Bachelor's Degree, TYYÇ: Level 6, EQF-LLL: Level 6, QF-EHEA: First Cycle

#Programme Learning Outcomes
Theoretical and/or factual knowledgeAimObjective%
1Ability to use theoretical and practical knowledge in their own fields with sufficient knowledge in the field of primary health and their profession.
2Ability to identify, define, interpret, formulate and solve problems in their fields; ability to design appropriate experimental -fieldwork, collect data, analyze, interpret and report results for this purpose
Cognitive and/or practical skillsAimObjective%
1 Acquires Ability to understand, interpret a process, event, case, hardware or product, and to solve related problems with holistic perspective and contemporary methods and to manage the people under his/her responsibility
2Having an ability to work effectively in teams as induvidual and ability to work as a team
Personal & Occupational Competences In Terms Of Each Of The Following Groups
Autonomy & ResponsibilityAimObjective%
1Has taken at least two non-field courses in education programs
2Having an ability to select, use and develop modern equipment necessary for field and to use information thecnology effectively.
Learning to LearnAimObjective%
1Communicates effectively verbally and in writing in Turkish and knows at least one foreign language.
2Having life long learning consciousness, ability to access to information, monitoring to scientific and thechnologic development and self-renewal
Communication & SocialAimObjective%
1Ability to design experiments / field studies, collect data, analyze, interpret and report on discipline-specific subjects
2Behaves in accordance with the ethical and social responsibility principles in health.
Relationship Percentage
*Level of Contribution (0 - 5) : 0-None, 1-Very Low, 2-Low, 3-Medium, 4-High, 5-Very High
#Programme Learning Outcomes
Theoretical and/or factual knowledgeAimObjective
1Ability to use theoretical and practical knowledge in their own fields with sufficient knowledge in the field of primary health and their profession.
2Ability to identify, define, interpret, formulate and solve problems in their fields; ability to design appropriate experimental -fieldwork, collect data, analyze, interpret and report results for this purpose
Cognitive and/or practical skillsAimObjective
1 Acquires Ability to understand, interpret a process, event, case, hardware or product, and to solve related problems with holistic perspective and contemporary methods and to manage the people under his/her responsibility
2Having an ability to work effectively in teams as induvidual and ability to work as a team
Personal & Occupational Competences In Terms Of Each Of The Following Groups
Autonomy & ResponsibilityAimObjective
1Has taken at least two non-field courses in education programs
2Having an ability to select, use and develop modern equipment necessary for field and to use information thecnology effectively.
Learning to LearnAimObjective
1Communicates effectively verbally and in writing in Turkish and knows at least one foreign language.
2Having life long learning consciousness, ability to access to information, monitoring to scientific and thechnologic development and self-renewal
Communication & SocialAimObjective
1Ability to design experiments / field studies, collect data, analyze, interpret and report on discipline-specific subjects
2Behaves in accordance with the ethical and social responsibility principles in health.
*Level of Contribution
1-Very Low
5-Very High
#Programme Learning Outcomes
Theoretical and/or factual knowledgeAimObjective%
1Ability to use theoretical and practical knowledge in their own fields with sufficient knowledge in the field of primary health and their profession.OOOOO
2Ability to identify, define, interpret, formulate and solve problems in their fields; ability to design appropriate experimental -fieldwork, collect data, analyze, interpret and report results for this purposeOOOOO
Cognitive and/or practical skillsAimObjective%
1 Acquires Ability to understand, interpret a process, event, case, hardware or product, and to solve related problems with holistic perspective and contemporary methods and to manage the people under his/her responsibility OOOOO
2Having an ability to work effectively in teams as induvidual and ability to work as a teamOOOOO
Personal & Occupational Competences In Terms Of Each Of The Following Groups
Autonomy & ResponsibilityAimObjective%
1Has taken at least two non-field courses in education programsOOOOO
2Having an ability to select, use and develop modern equipment necessary for field and to use information thecnology effectively.OOOOO
Learning to LearnAimObjective%
1Communicates effectively verbally and in writing in Turkish and knows at least one foreign language.OOOOO
2Having life long learning consciousness, ability to access to information, monitoring to scientific and thechnologic development and self-renewal OOOOO
Communication & SocialAimObjective%
1Ability to design experiments / field studies, collect data, analyze, interpret and report on discipline-specific subjectsOOOOO
2Behaves in accordance with the ethical and social responsibility principles in health.OOOOO
Relationship Percentage
*Level of Contribution (0 - 5) : 0-Empty, X-Available