LEVEL: Doctorate Degree, TYYÇ Level: 8, EQF-LLL Level: 8, QF-EHEA Level: Third Cycle


  • It is aimed to gain competence and competence in the field of Pediatric Dentistry and to develop clinical and basic research skills.

  • The Pediatric Dentistry PhD program, with its theoretical and practical courses, provides the ability to complete oral and dental health treatments at the highest level by teaching and applying basic and advanced behavior guidance techniques to infants, children, adolescents and pediatric patients requiring special care. Additionally, it aims to provide ideal treatments in preventive dentistry practices, preventive and preventive orthodontic treatments, to provide the best oral and dental health services in children with systemic or genetic diseases, to follow scientific developments in the field of pediatric dentistry, and to train pediatric dentists who understand the importance of lifelong education.
Qualification Awarded

Graduates who complete successfully all the requirements of the program receive the degree of "Doctoral Diploma in Pediatric Dentistry".

Level of Qualification


Field of Education


Specific Admission Requirements

Candidates applying to the Pediatric Dentistry Doctorate Program must have graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry. The principles of student admission and registration to the program are explained in detail under the title of "Second Section - Principles Regarding the Admission of Students" in the "Altınbaş University Graduate Education and Training Regulations".

Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)

Recognition of prior formal learning in Turkish Higher Education institutions, vertical, horizontal and intra-university transfers are carried out within the scope of the "Basic Principles and Rules of Transfer to Graduate Programs" adopted by Altınbaş University Senate in accordance with the principles of "Graduate Education and Training Regulation, Article 5.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The PhD program consists of a total of twenty-one credits for students admitted with a master's degree with thesis and at least 240 ECTS credits, including at least seven courses, seminar, qualifying exam, thesis proposal and thesis study, provided that an education period is not less than 60 ECTS. For students admitted with a bachelor's degree, it consists of a total of at least 300 ECTS credits, including fourteen courses of at least forty-two credits, seminar, qualifying exam, thesis proposal and thesis study. Other principles of the PhD program are specified in the 'Principles Regarding the PhD Program' section of the 'Altınbaş University Graduate Education and Training Regulations'.

Profile of the Programme

Graduates of the PhD: When they complete the program, they gain competence in both theoretical and clinical areas in the subjects covered by the discipline of Pediatric Dentistry and qualify as being a PhD graduates in the field of Pediatric Dentistry, which is needed by health institutions, especially educational institutions.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples

Graduates of the program mostly work in public institutions, private practices and hospitals as well as university hospitals or continue their careers as academicians in state and foundation universities.

Access to Further Studies

Candidates who successfully complete their master's degree can continue their doctorate programs at state or foundation universities.

Graduation Requirements

The student must successfully complete the courses in the program, prepare and finalize a thesis project and defend the thesis in front of an academic jury. Other principles of the PhD program are specified in the 'Principles Regarding the PhD Program' section of the 'Altınbaş University Graduate Education and Training Regulations'. 

Mode of Study (Full-Time, Formal Education )

Full time


The Pediatric Dentistry PhD program has two professors, one associate professor, 3 doctoral faculty members and a visiting professor who teaches. The program is conducted at Altınbaş University Faculty of Dentistry Hospital. The program offers candidates a wide range of pre-clinical, clinical, and patient treatment under general anesthesia and research opportunities. Pre-clinical studies are conducted in the phantom laboratory. Patient care services are provided in the PhD clinic and general anesthesia operating rooms. Students also use the biochemistry, microbiology, anatomy, pathology, pathology, physiology, chemistry, biological sciences and pharmaceutical technology research laboratories at Altınbaş University, Bakırköy Health Campus for their research activities. Bakırköy Health Campus, where Altınbaş University Faculty of Dentistry is also located, has library facilities that can be accessed in printed and electronic media where extensive research can be done. ISO 9001-2015 quality management system is used in the Dental Hospital of our faculty.

Address, Programme Director or Equivalent

Prof. Dr. Figen Seymen E-mail: Altınbaş University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pediatric Dentistry Zuhuratbaba Mahallesi, İncirli Caddesi, No:11 Bakırköy/Istanbul Telephone: +90 212 709 45 28 

ECTS Coordinator

  • Prof. Dr. FİGEN SEYMEN