LEVEL: Bachelor's Degree, TYYÇ: Level 6, EQF-LLL: Level 6, QF-EHEA: First Cycle

Established in 2012, the department of sociology started its undergraduate level education in the 2012-2013 academic year. The 2016-2017 academic year marks the department’s first group of graduates. Undergraduate education, and research in all main areas of study of the field is carried out in the department.


  • To prepare our students for their academic and professional careers by providing them with a solid theoretical background and field research experience, as well as analytical and critical thinking skills
  • To conduct and disseminate studies that will enrich the field through the collaboration of academic staff and students
  • To provide beneficial services to science and society through academic activities and educational programs supported by international collaborations

  • Our students are expected to graduate as individuals who are knowledgeable about different areas of sociology such as family sociology, political sociology, urban and rural sociology, religion sociology, law sociology, crime and deviance, gender, social inequality and differences, state-civil society relations, nature-society relations within the scope of interaction with political, economic and cultural structures and institutions, and who can recognize and define the problems in these areas and develop solutions and social policy proposals.
Qualification Awarded

Sociology, B.A.

Level of Qualification

Bachelor’s degree (Level 6)

Field of Education

Social and Behavioural Science

Specific Admission Requirements

As per the Higher Education Act, enrollment of students in programs at Bachelor’s and vocational degree levels in Turkey is done according to the results of centrally organized exam. Center for Student Selection and Placement (OSYM) places students into programs they are willing to study according to their scores in the central placement exam and high school scores. Department of Sociology also admits international students. The International Students Admission Committee determines the admission criteria for international students. Further information on selection and placement examination is available through

Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)

Recognition of prior learning is subject to the framework bylaws at national level set by Council of Higher Education and to the related bylaws of Istanbul Altınbaş University. Transfer of students among programs within the university is done according to quotas determined by the executive councils of the relevant schools. Quotas are determined by the relevant executive councils as a percentage of the total quotas specified in OSYM Guide every year. Transfer quotas among programs within the university are announced at the university web page before a certain period of time from the application deadline together with minimum scores and other requirements. In order for application for transfer within the university among programs of different central placement exam score types the score of the applicant in the central placement exam for the exam score type of the program to be applied should not be lower than the score of the student who is placed countrywide in a program of the same type with lowest score. Students who complete vocational school programs and the open university programs may apply for transfer horizontally to Bachelor’s programs. Students who are graduates of or who are at the last year at study of vocational schools at Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and graduates of schools abroad whose equivalency is accepted in Turkey may apply for transfer horizontally to bachelor’s programs.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

4 academic years, 2 semesters per academic year, 14 weeks per semester, total of 240 ECTS. In the case that students fail to succeed in a course, they are required to take that course in the first semester it is offered. They cannot take the courses of the next semester/year if they fail to pass the course with at least a letter grade of DD. Students who have completed their required number of credits should have at least 2.00 grade point average out of 4.00, with a minimum letter grade of DD.

Profile of the Programme

Undergraduate program of the department of sociology consists of 4 academic years and 8 semesters. The language of instruction is English. Students who fulfill specific requirements may do a minor or double major program with other departments. The mission of the program is to train sociologists - With a strong theoretical background in sociology as well as practical experience in field research, - Who are able to think analytically and critically so that they will be well prepared for their academic and professional careers; and - To offer a friendly environment for students and faculty that is conducive for further sociological research; as well as - Organize academic activities and training and educational programs in collaboration with international institutions.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples

The graduates of this program work as sociologists or with other titles in public institutions (provided that they receive a sufficient score in KPSS) and in the private sector. Graduates can work as specialists or project managers in Ministries of Family and Social Policy, Interior, Justice and Health; or in media, research companies, and in the human resources departments of private companies. They can be employed in public and private educational institutions provided that they receive a teaching certificate, and continue scientific work within academia (master’s and doctoral level).

Access to Further Studies

Students who graduate from this program are able to apply to graduate level programs if they are able to provide a satisfactory score from the central ALES exam, and show proof of sufficient proficiency in the English language.

Graduation Requirements

Students should complete a minimum of 240 ECTS credits with a Grade Point Average of minimum 2.00 over 4.00 with a minimum letter grade of DD.

Mode of Study (Full-Time, Formal Education )

Full-time and formal education


The department is home to academic staff holding doctoral degrees from respected institutions. International exchange programs are available within the Erasmus Student Exchange. Students also have the opportunity to do a double major or a minor program in accordance with the Istanbul Altınbaş University Double Major and Minor Program Guidelines.

Address, Programme Director or Equivalent

Assist. Prof. Berna Ekal, Department of Sociology, E-mail: Phone: +90 212 604 0100

ECTS Coordinator

  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. FULYA AKSU
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. MEHMET TURAN ÇAĞLAR
  • Research Assist. BUSE BAYLAR