LEVEL: Bachelor's Degree, TYYÇ: Level 6, EQF-LLL: Level 6, QF-EHEA: First Cycle

Department of Health Management was established in 2017-2018 academic year within the Faculty of Applied Sciences. The Department of Health Management is located in the Gayrettepe campus.


  • To raise individuals who respect human rights and freedoms and ethical values
  • To train individuals who can conduct research at national and international levels.
  • To raise responsible individuals with free and versatile thinking power.
  • To raise individuals who embrace interdisciplinary cooperation and teamwork in the field of health.
  • To train health managers who have the necessary knowledge and skills in their field of profession.

Qualification Awarded

Bachelor of Health Management

Level of Qualification


Field of Education


Specific Admission Requirements

To admission, students must have completed a high school or equivalent education and have a diploma and must have obtained enough points for the program in Higher Education Institutions Examination (YKS). Students are admitted to the program according to the EA (Equal weight) score type and the principles determined by the Higher Education Institution. Admission of Foreign Students to the Program is made within the framework of the criteria determined by the university.

Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)

Students can apply to be exempt from the courses they have taken and succeeded from the institutions of higher education they have already registered. Exemption requests are decided by the University Administrative Board by taking the opinion of the instructor.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The bachelor's degree is given to students who have completed all the courses to be taken from the instructional plan, have a total of 240 credits and have a GPA of at least 2.00 / 4.00.

Profile of the Programme

Altınbaş University Health Management Undergraduate Program is located within the Faculty of Applied Sciences and covers a four-year education period. In line with the needs of the health sector, the program aims to train qualified management candidates who are committed to professional ethical values, who are competent in managerial processes and practices, adopt a patient-oriented approach, who are knowledgeable about patient safety and international accreditation standards and can apply theoretical knowledge to practice.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples

Our graduates can work at quality management, human resources, patient rights, purchasing, marketing, internal audit, strategic planning, etc deparments in public and private hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, medical device institutions, health insurance institutions and they can, quickly promote to the managerial positions. They can also take the Health Specialist Assistant Exam of the Ministry of Health and become a Health Expert Assistant. They can work on projects planned by the World Health Organization for our country.

Access to Further Studies

Students who graduate from this program may apply to postgraduate programs provided that they receive a valid score from the central ALES exam and have sufficient knowledge of English.

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate from this program, students must have a minimum GPA of 2.00 out of 4.00 and complete a minimum 240 ECTS credit load, and must be successful with a minimum grade of DD from all courses. Students are required to complete the internships defined in the program within the specified time and period.

Mode of Study (Full-Time, Formal Education )



Our students receive training and consultancy services by qualified academicians who worked as a manager in the health sector. Begining form 6th semester, volunteer internship opportunities are given to the students who want to. Thus, they adapt to working life before graduation. Our students can do their compulsory internships in the our contracted health institutions or in a health institutitons which they choicen.

Address, Programme Director or Equivalent

Phone Number: (0 212) 604 01 00 Address: Büyükdere caddesi, No: 147 Esentepe / İstanbul

ECTS Coordinator

  • Assist. Prof. Dr. ÖZGÜL ÖZKOÇ