PERIODONTOLOGY (Turkish-Master's Thesis)

LEVEL: Master's Degree, TYYÇ: Level 7, EQF-LLL: Level 7, QF-EHEA: Second Cycle

The master program in Periodontology was founded in 2017 and first graduate received her degree in 2019.


  • The objective of this program is to ensure that each student who successfully completes the program have both theoretical knowledge and clinical experience equivalent to that of a specialist in periodontology and oral implantology.

  • The graduating student from this department is responsible for assessing the health and diseases of the tissues around teeth and implants, providing treatment, maintaining the achieved health, and implementing preventative measures at an advanced level of expertise. The student will have an affinity for analytical thinking, problem-solving abilities, good communication skills, and a tendency towards collaborative working. By acquiring a thorough grasp of the field of dentistry, individuals will possess contemporary and advanced information regarding periodontology and oral implantology. The individual will have an in-depth awareness of their moral and ethical obligations towards both society and their patients.
Qualification Awarded

The graduates who successfully complete all courses in the curriculum will receive Masters of Science degree in Periodontology.

Level of Qualification

Master of Science

Field of Education


Specific Admission Requirements

The admission and enrollment principles of the program are explained in detail under the title of "Second Part-Principles Regarding the Admission of Students" in "Altınbaş University Graduate Education Regulation". Candidates who apply to the Periodontology Master Program must have graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry.

Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)

The prerequiresites about the recognition of previous education (formal, informal, non-formal) as well as horizontal and vertical transitions are conducted within the content of “The regulations on the principles of transition between associate degree and license programs” which was approved by the Administrative Committee of Altınbaş University in accordance with the “The regulations of the Postgraduate education” of the Turkish Higher Education Council.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The prerequiresites for graduation consists of successfully completion of all available courses in the program, a dissertation proposal and a dissertation. The program consists of a minimum of seven courses (equivalent to 120 ECTS credits), a seminar course and a thesis. The students are required to complete all the courses available in two years ( four semesters) and to receive a minimum average score of 3.00 out of 4.00. Other principles regarding the Master's program with thesis are specified in the 'Principles Regarding the Master Program' in the 'Regulation on Postgraduate Education in Altınbaş University'.

Profile of the Programme

The graduates of our program will have deep knowledge of Periodontology both theoretically and clinically, a in the field of Periodontology. Upon completion of the program, graduates of the Master's program gain competence in both theoretical and clinical fields of Periodontology discipline and they will be qualified to work in private practice or hospitals.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples

The graduates of our program may be employed both in public and private sector as competent professionals of the branch of periodontology.

Access to Further Studies

The graduates who succesfully complete the master program may apply for PhD programs in the future.

Graduation Requirements

Graduation requirements are explained in the section “Qualification Requirements and Regulations”

Mode of Study (Full-Time, Formal Education )



There are currently 2 professors, 1 associate professor and 2 doctors in the Master program of Periodontology. Altınbaş University, Faculty of Dentistry is located in Bakırköy Health Campus which consists of facilities for pre-clinic, clinic and research activities. Patient care services are given in the Master’s clinic and surgery rooms. There are biochemistry, microbiology, anatomy, pathology, physiology, chemistry, biological sciences and pharmoceutical technology research laboratories for research activities of students. There is also a library with a wide range of accessibility to both published and electronical data.

Address, Programme Director or Equivalent

Professor, Dr. Şebnem Dirikan İpçi Altınbaş University, Faculty of Dentistry, Periodontology Department Kartaltepe Mahallesi, İncirli caddesi, No:11 Bakırköy/Istanbul e-mail: sebnem.dirikan@altınbaş phone: +90 212 709 45 28 Bologna Coordinators: Prof. Şebnem Dirikan İpçi, Assoc. Prof. Başak Bıyıkoğlu Emails: tr., Address: Kartaltepe mahallesi, İncirli caddesi, No: 11 Bakırköy-İstanbul Phone: +90 212 709 45 28

ECTS Coordinator