LEVEL: Bachelor's Degree, TYYÇ: Level 6, EQF-LLL: Level 6, QF-EHEA: First Cycle

Istanbul Altınbaş University was established in 2008 by Mehmet Altınbaş Education and Culture Foundation. Istanbul Altınbaş University started to accept their first students in 2011-2012 academic term. Department of Economics was established in 2012 and started to declare the quotas, facilities, qualifications and the requirements for listed in OSYM guide in the late 2012. First students accepted for preparatory school which is compulsory started and were enrolled in 2012-2013 academic year.


  • The aim of an economics degree program is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of economic theories, principles, and concepts. It equips students with the analytical and quantitative skills necessary to examine and interpret economic data, make informed decisions, and contribute to the development of economic policy.

  • The goal of the program is to teach students various economic theories and models such as microeconomics and macroeconomics, enhance their analytical and critical thinking skills, impart the ability to use quantitative tools and methods like statistical analysis and econometrics, develop the capacity to analyze economic policies and their outcomes, improve their communication skills, both written and oral, to effectively convey economic analyses and findings to diverse audiences, instill the skill to conduct independent research, foster a global perspective by exploring the impacts of economic globalization and international trade on economies, promote ethical awareness and responsible decision-making, considering the social and environmental consequences of economic actions, and prepare them for various career paths in finance, the public sector, academia, and the private sector.
Qualification Awarded

Students who complete this program successfully are granted Bachelor Degree in Economics.

Level of Qualification

This program is at Bachelor’s level (Level 6; QF-EHEA: Level 1;EQF-LLL : Level 6).

Field of Education


Specific Admission Requirements

Enrollment of students in programs at Bachelor’s degree levels in Turkey is done according to the results of centrally organized a exam in Turkey according to the Higher Education Act. Measuring, Selection and Placement Center (OSYM) places students into programs they are willing to study according to their scores in the central placement exam and high school scores.

Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)

Recognition of prior learning is subject to the framework bylaws at national level set by Council of Higher Education and to the related by laws of Istanbul Altınbaş University. Transfer of students among programs within the university is done according to quotas determined by the executive councils of the relevant schools. Quotas are determined by the relevant executive councils as a percentage of the total quotas specified in OSYM Guide every year. Transfer quotas among programs within the university along with the minimum scores and other transfer requirements are announced on the university web page the application deadline. In order for application for transfer within the university among programs of different central placement exam score types, the score of the applicant in the central placement exam for the exam score type of the program to be applied should not be lower than the score of the student who is placed countrywide in a program of the same type with lowest score. Students who complete vocational school programs and the Open University programs may apply for transfer horizontally to Bachelor’s programs. Students who are graduates of or who are in the final year of their study at vocational schools at Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and graduates of schools abroad whose equivalency is accepted in Turkey may apply for transfer horizontally to bachelor’s programs.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Students, who complete at least 240 ECTS credits and the following conditions that are mentioned below, are entitled to graduate from the undergraduate program of the Department of Economics. 4 Department Electives, 5 Faculty Electives, 2 Faculty or Department Elective Courses, ECON399 Summer Practice

Profile of the Programme

The Department of Economics at the School of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Istanbul Altınbaş University aims to educate its students as innovative and entrepreneurial economists with their knowledge and communication skills in the field. Students at the Department of Economics at the School of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Istanbul Altınbaş University meet with the realities of the business world and meet with the leading academicians and professionals in the field and gain from their experience. Students can apply to the Cooperative Education (CO-OP) Program upon completion of their 6th semester. The CO-OP Education Program is a model that combines university education with professional life experience. The CO-OP Program is intended to be executed within the context of university and firm level collaboration in an innovative and education-oriented manner. The CO-OP Education Program aims at graduates who are in possession of both theoretical and practical knowledge combining the inputs delivered by the university with business practices. Vision To develop solutions in the field of economics, create value to the society and in the business world, and thus effectively take part in the economic and social development of our country. Mission To train future economists in a principled and collaborative learning environment, support academic and professional development of the academic staff, and provide services beneficial to the stakeholders and society.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples

The graduates of this program are equipped with fundamental and technical knowledge and communication skills, foreign language skills, teamwork skills in order to be able to work in these areas. Our graduates get the title of economist, and with this title, they can be hired as public sector, work in the finance and banking sectors, progress in the field of auditing, and continue their academic careers with their master's and doctorate degrees academically.

Access to Further Studies

Students who graduate from this program may apply for graduate level programs.

Graduation Requirements

Students should complete a minimum of 240 ECTS credits with a Grade Point Average of minimum 2.00 over 4.00 with a minimum letter grade of DD. Students are required to complete internship for a duration and other requirements as defined in their programs.

Mode of Study (Full-Time, Formal Education )



Istanbul Altınbaş University, which is growing with its breakthroughs, is carrying out 24 undergraduate, 19 associate degrees, 6 graduate and 2 doctorate programs under 7 faculties 3 institutes and 2 vocational high schools in the academic year 2015-2016. Within the scope of School of Economics, Administrative and Social Science (SEASS), there are 4 research centers, which are Trade Master Research Center, Center for Social and Economic Researches (CSER), Psychology Research and Application Center (K-PRAC), and Neuromarketing Research and Application Center (NERAC). In addition, there is also a full-equipped library and a remotely accessible data and information center. On the other hand, social responsibility and culture courses provided in the university create opportunities like developing social cooperation, projects and campaigns to students. Moreover, students have also the opportunity to access seminars regularly organized by Department of Economics and Economics Club and conferences conducted within the scope of the faculty.

Address, Programme Director or Equivalent

Asst. Prof. Yasin KÜTÜK Chair, Departman of Economics E-mail: Telephone: +90(212) 604 0100 / 4081

ECTS Coordinator

  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. BENGİ İLHAN
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. FULYA AKSU
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. FULYA SONÜSTÜN